It's been a beautiful morning. Most people don't like waking up at 6:50 am on a Saturday to pick up their wife from the airport, and last night I certainly didn't either. However, when I walked out the door I was greeted by fresh air and a cool breeze at a crisp 60 degrees. There's that feeling of Heaven again.
There's something soothing about driving 65mph on an open highway, even in a major city. I usually prefer to go faster, but it was early and I was making good time. I turned up some OneRepublic, opened the sunroof and decided to just enjoy the air. I realize I'm describing a normal day in California, but maybe that's why I love Texas. Whenever it is surprisingly cool, like today, it feels like Christmas. I continued to cruise down the highway and realized it was a perfect time for a cappuccino. Say what you will about Starbucks, but I've never had a bad cappuccino from there.
Are you feeling this? I'm talking 60 degrees, sunshine, good music, a breeze and a cappuccino. I'm also wearing a cardigan, which has a hippy feel to it that truly excites me. In a few moments I get to see my wife's beautiful face, and I'm excited for her to return home. And that's when it hits me: home.
The idea of home is a lot like Jesus to me. My desire is that Jesus fills my heart with so much love, that whenever people ask me about him, I would become speechless. The idea of home is a lot like that. Apple pie cooling on the window (yes it happens, and it is awesome), a glass of ice tea, my favorite chair. It all instills peace. It's indescribable, it renders me speechless. It is home, a haven on Earth.
The beautiful thing is, one day Heaven will be my home, and one day Christ will call me there. I'll be able to see Him, in all His glory. And I'll have no pain. I'll just be able to sit down, and stare into the eyes of the one who ransomed me. I don't know if I'll be able to recognize my family in Heaven, but I like to believe that is the case. The love in Heaven is likely much deeper than even my own expectations. But I imagine I'd be able to see both my Nana and PeePaw, who never got see me graduate college or meet my wife. I'd wonder what they'd think of me, if I turned out alright. If they were proud of me. I'd be able to replace all the memories of life without them with new ones being made perfect in Heaven.
I don't know when God would decide to call me Home, but I feel more at peace with it than I used to. I've realized the Earth is in fact broken. As beautiful as the Earth is to me, it is deeply flawed. I'm ashamed that this is a new revelation to me, since it is like Rule no. 1 in the Bible. I used to have aspirations of growing old and happy on the Earth, but I've learned that's futile. My hope is in Christ, not the creation. I mean, I have chronic pain for crying out loud! Why wouldn't I want to wake up in Heaven, where my joints no longer hurt? I hope God continues to work in my heart to make the Gospel my one hope. To make it home.
I think when the day finally comes, I'll probably be scared. Wondering if my children were raised well, if I left them enough to take care of their own kids. The pain may be overwhelming of not being able to see my grandchildren succeed, maybe I won't even live long enough to see them at all. But I have peace knowing that I'll close my eyes and see Him. The perfecter of my faith, my Redeemer. I'll feel young, sprite, and my joints won't hurt. And, like I said, I'll see Him. Holding a beer (a Hoogstraten Poorter I've decided), two golf bags, and standing in front of a golf course he created just for me. And Jesus and I will play golf for eternity. Sometimes we'll play with others, like PeePaw, and others who join us when He calls their name too. But usually it is just us, and hole after hole I can just delight in Him. That's my home, and I can't wait to see it on the horizon someday.